Out of the box, four pre-defined CPI steps are available: 400, 800, 1600, and 3200 CPI. This is Razer's variant of the 3988 sensor. 5 µm pipelined global shutter pixels, which allow exposure during read out while performing CDS operation reducing fixed pattern and dark noise significantly. I suffer the 3310 in the Naos 7000 because the ergonomics give me an overall edge.

The CMV8000 is a global shutter CMOS image sensor with 3360 by 2496 pixels in a 4/3“ optical format.
Temperature Sensors TD Series Honeywell1MICRO SWITCH Sensing and Control 11-80 USA 1F1-81 International 11-80 Canada 83 FEATURES 1 Interchangeable without sensor-to-sensor recalibration 1 Very small thermal mass for fast re-sponse 1Air or liquid temperature sensing 1 Linear temperature sensitivity A head for heights.
HF-presence detector Presence Control PRO HF 360 COM1 for indoors, ideal for WCs with toilet cubicles, changing rooms, stairwells, multi-storey car parks, kitchens, installation height up to 3. Envisioned by a community of passionate gamers, and developed by a team who accepts nothing. Our products include general and special purpose accelerometers, velocity sensors, displacement sensors, eddy current probes and LVDTs. On paper TrueMove are actually the same but the TrueMove 2 and 3 as well as the 3361 OwlEye feel to me more snapier and precise. If the 3 weight bolts are removed at 4g each the mouse. There is no conceivable difference to be felt in all modern day sensors.

The Finalmouse Air58 is a pure performance mouse with no bells and whistles. 7 kg) with numerous measurements, benchmarks and ratings Doesn’t miss a thing.